We are here to support you through perimenopause & beyond
We welcome spring with the sun shining, birds chirping, and the undeniable urge to get outside. But for many “weekend warriors,” this newfound enthusiasm often collides with the harsh reality of tight muscles and post-exercise soreness. Suddenly, the joy of…
Three Tips for Finding the Right Supplements You’ve read about how a certain vitamin can support bone health, listened to a friend mention how an herb helped calm her busy mind, or watched a natural product advertised on your social…
Skin care treatment that goes beyond prescription pharmaceuticals and steroid creams. Let’s look at the root cause.
What causes hair loss? Dr. Graves talks about the typical root causes of hair loss and natural remedies that may help …
Choosing a supplement or vitamin can be overwhelming! Even if you know what kind, there are so many brands, scams, and added ingredients. Dr. Graves offers info. on how to choose …
A pocketful of detox ideas to take with you into spring. Diet, reducing exposure to toxins, and more…
Stress is a part of life. But what happens when it becomes a large part of your life? Learn more about the dangers of chronic stress and chronic anxiety …
Prep your holistic, natural medicine cabinet and be ready for those awkward times when illness strikes. Here’s how …
Holiday weight gain can contribute to 1 pound per year! Don’t let that start adding up over the years. Enjoy these tips on how to have a guilt free, sweet, holiday season this year.
Are you curious about CBD? Did you know it may help your anxiety, pain, and help you sleep better? We have the facts about CBD oil and CBD cream.
Long- term or more frequent constipation issues can lead to things such as, bloating, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, long-term GI diseases, colo-rectal cancer, and more.
Fall foods as medicine and how to eat with the season. Pumpkin, squash, kale, kohlrabi, turnips, sweet potato, peas, and brussel spouts. Learn why they are so good!
Feeling burned out? Ashwagandha helps the mind and body adjust to stress, fights depression, and fights anxiety. Learn more about this amazing adaptogen herb …
Natural remedies for acid reflux is our topic. This painful condition can be caused by a variety of mental and physical stressors. Dr. Graves has tips here that can help you heal …
If you’re like some of our patients at CNMA, you’ve stood countless times in front of the vitamin section at a natural food store and stared aimlessly at the plethora of options to pick from – varying widely in price, but…
If you’ve been reading any health or food magazines lately, chances are you’ve come across an advertisement or two (or twenty!) on new trends such as: – Bone Broth – Collagen – Beet Root We’ve even seen…
It’s summertime! And that means it’s also party time! With Fourth of July just around the corner and summer in full swing, it’s time to get that barbecue grilling, the water balloons flying, and the guests smiling and laughing! Ahhh….sounds…
School's out and summer break is officially in session! Can you believe another school year has gone by? Before we know it, they will be graduating! When we look back, it seems that time seems to fly by when raising kids…
You may live in a beautiful suburb of a big city. You may have a great job, a wonderful family, and a few fun hobbies. It may seem like you have it all – and maybe you do. But it…
Marijuana. What comes to mind when you think about it? Is it drug users and hippies? Is it government laws and money? Or maybe it’s just a gray area you don’t know much about at all and wonder what…
Most of us will experience it. The moment when we realize that what we’ve always done has simply stopped working. When weight is creeping up even though your exercise routine may have stayed the same. When actual “dieting” is…
Supplements. They can do us wonders. Maybe it’s better sleep, less pain, lower blood pressure, or balanced hormones. Maybe it’s more energy, smoother bowel movements, or improved cardiovascular health. Maybe it’s even losing weight and having clearer skin. Whatever it…
The sluggishness. The bloating. Those extra pounds that you need to jump start to shed. The weeks of overindulging, the wondering if you have a food allergy, or the noting of endless advertising of magical detox solutions that will take…
Did you know that you may be able to get rid of those pesky allergies for good? Yes, that means that the inhaler you carry around, the steroids you take, and/or the allergy sprays and pills that fill your medicine…