Supplements and Vitamins: Are You Taking the Right Ones?

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If you’ve ever wondered which supplement or vitamin to purchase and were overwhelmed and confused by the amount to select from and differences in prices, it’s no wonder considering the world of supplements is a multi-billion dollar industry.

So how do you know what to be cautious of?

Following are some myths that we hear in our office and some truths we have learned in our twelve years of experience to help you decide what is the most sensible supplement option for your needs and your budget.

Myth #1: All Supplements Are Created Equal.
You may purchase a certain supplement from a professional naturopathic doctor and then find the same supplement from the same company being offered online at a different price.


There are scams happening in which people are copying the original supplement and packaging it to look the same, but they are not.

We actually had this happen in our office!  A client brought their online purchase to us, compared it to the same branded product in our office and the coloring was completely different.

Make sure you trust who you are purchasing your supplements from.

Myth #2: Supplements and Vitamins Are Purely Supplements and Vitamins.
Unfortunately, they are not.

In order for tablets and capsules to be formed in large machines, a manufacturer has to add fillers and/or binders – known as flow agents, to help coagulate the nutrients as they flow through the machines.  In addition, food colorings, dyes, and unhealthy oils may be added as well.

Each supplement and/or vitamin has a different amount of these fillers and binders, so it’s important to read the label carefully. The more fillers and binders, the less potent the supplement or vitamin typically is.

Myth #3: You Can’t Test Your Vitamins or Supplements On Your Own.
Actually, you can!

Place your vitamin or supplement in a glass of water for 5-10 minutes.  If it is not fully dissolved or in the process of dissolving, it may have too many fillers to be of good use to your body.

Myth #4: You Have to Spend Top Dollar on Every Supplement.
While many times you get more for your money when purchasing a supplement or vitamin that is referred by a natural medicine doctor, you don’t have to blow your budget.

We recommend starting out by spending the most on what is needed the most.  If it’s a sleep issue you are having, try to purchase top products for your root cause and forgo expensive options for daily vitamins if need be until the sleep issue is resolved.

Once your issue is under control, supplements and vitamins can be used for maintenance and can sometimes be switched to a lower cost option.

Myth #5: A Supplement is a Supplement is a Supplement.

We have many clients that have been purchasing a certain supplement from a local store with the same ingredients as what we have recommended, but have made no real progress.

When we compare store-bought brands to ones that are professional grade, we typically find that the percentage of milligrams, etc. vary greatly.

For example, a store-bought supplement may have 100mg of an herb, while a professional grade supplement purchased through a licensed naturopathic doctor may have 1,000mg of that same herb.

Consider what the cost is versus what the benefit is. If you choose a supplement with a higher dosage, you may find your issue resolves faster and therefore, saves you money in the long run.

The world of supplements is rapidly growing.  It’s exciting, considering the additional options we have to heal our minds and bodies, but it’s also concerning when we think about the ways we can easily get scammed.

If you have questions about the supplements or vitamins you are taking, would like advice on which kind or brand would be best for your issue(s), and live in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Centennial, Parker, Larkspur, Monument, Colorado Springs, or the Greater Denver Metro area, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (303) 688-6698 or click here for a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation with Dr. Graves to discuss your options.  With over 12 years of experience, he has a keen sense of which products may work best for you.

Make sure you’re getting the most for your money- and your health.  Contact us now!

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