Holistic Counseling

holistic counseling, castle rock CO, colorado natural medicine

What is Holistic Counseling?

Holistic counseling is an integrated approach to mental health inclusive of treating mind, body, and spiritual components for complete healing.  This combined perspective weaves traditional western talk therapy with functional medicine offerings for benefit of one’s whole health.

At Colorado Natural Medicine + Acupuncture, we understand how each aspect of an individual’s life is connected.  Rather than just treating mental health symptoms, our holistic counselor, Rachel Gordon, works to discover the underlying cause of the symptoms and the connection they have to each aspect of an individual’s health.  Once causes are uncovered, a comprehensive plan is created to treat and nourish the mental health symptoms and heal the mind, body, and spiritual facets of one’s entire self.

For example, think of holistic counseling as a pie with three portions: a mental/emotional piece, a physical piece, and a spirituality piece.  In order for the pie to be whole, all three pieces must be in-tact and complete.  This approach may start with discussing mental health concerns, but can transform into an overall integrated lifestyle strategy for your entire well being.

Holistic counseling is conducive to many areas of mental health inclusive of, but not limited to:

– stress

– depression

– anxiety

– trauma

– grief

– relationship contentions

– abuse

– addictions

To treat all 3 pieces to one’s whole health, a variety of therapies and testing may be involved.  Remember the pie analogy above?  To make the pie whole again, treatment may consist of an array of techniques and offerings to best suite an individual’s needs.  Even though it’s necessary for each of us to have a completed pie, how we achieve that is unique to our selves.

In addition to talk therapy, holistic counseling may also include but is not limited to:

nutrition testing and plans

– specific exercise programs

art therapy


– naturopathic herbs

– hormone testing and therapies

– essential oils

As a means to heal an individual’s entire being, holistic counseling can have a profound affect on those searching for their best self.  It allows an individual to take control of his/her health and face the challenges and fears in their life with the help of a compassionate and knowledgeable counselor.

How do I know if holistic counseling is right for me?
Each individual is unique in their challenges and we are mindful of the questions you may have for this mental health counseling approach.  To best help you decide, we encourage you to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation with our holistic counselor:

Rachel GordonBuddhist Psychology based Holistic Counseling

During this consultation, you will have the opportunity to describe the issue and/or symptoms you are having and ask any questions you may have.  We want to know:

What are your symptoms or challenges?

What are your fears?

What do you wish you could change?

Rachel will then discuss what to expect for your holistic counseling and the next steps in your journey to healing.

What may my first holistic counseling appointments be like?
Your first appointment is designed to create a sense of comfort and safety for you to express your thoughts and feelings as well as help us understand the challenges you are facing.  Even though each first appointment varies, be prepared to spend time discussing your issue and symptoms in-depth.  Know that you will be heard and respected.

In addition, our counselor may suggest tests to look at your overall whole health (this may occur at the first appointment or some thereafter).  In the beginning, it’s important for us to gather a clear picture on all aspects of your whole health.

Once testing has been completed, we will create an overall integrated health plan for healing.  This plan may include emotional work as well as physical and spirituality approaches.  Throughout your journey, we will mentor you in restoring your mental health and reaching for your goals.

What tests may be suggested?
Holistic counseling can include a variety of testing focused on discovering the underlying cause of your mental health challenges.  Depending on your symptoms, testing may include, but is not limited to:

– food sensitivity testing

– nutritional/vitamin deficiency labs

– hormone testing

– neurotransmitter testing

– metabolic testing

– environmental evaluation and testing

How many appointments should I account for?
Keep in mind that each individual is different in the amount of holistic counseling needed.  Your healing time may be determined by the symptoms you have, the length of your suffering, specific treatment and therapy options, and the growth work done outside the office.

How much is holistic counseling and where do I go?
Holistic counseling appointments take place at Colorado Natural Medicine and Acupuncture offices in Castle Rock and start at $150. per session depending on which counselor you see and what type of sessions you choose.

We are proud to provide holistic counseling for clients who live and work in: Castle Rock, Lone Tree, Castle Pines, Parker, Highlands Ranch, Larkspur, and other areas south of Denver.