Blog Archives

The Science Behind Functional Medicine

Functional medicine, doctor adam graves, gut health, digestive issues, food sensitivity testing, food sensitivity, elimination diet, naturopathic medicine

Are you ready to join your own healthcare team?

Posted in blog, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Functional Medicine Lab Tests, Holistic Medicine, Inflammation, Natural Medicine, Nutrition Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Holistic Approach to Allergies

allergies, holistic medicine, spring 2024, seasonal allergies, functional medicine, immune system, gut microbiome, desensitization, low-histamine diet, inflammation

Mitigate your allergies this season…

Posted in Allergies, blog, Change, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Immune System, Inflammation, Natural Remedies, Spring Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

Gut-Brain Connection

Gut-brain connection, digestive health, IBS, acid reflux, changes in appetite, managing stress, functional medicine, digestive issues, acupuncture, self care

Transformation is waiting for you…

Posted in Acupuncture, blog, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, IBS, Mindfulness, Self Care, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

How to Repair Your Gut Microbiome

gut health, gut microbiome, diet, nutrition, digestion, gut healthy foods, bad foods for gut health, inflammation

The whispers of your gut are loud and clear…

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Inflammation, Natural Medicine, Nutrition Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Is a restrictive diet right for you?

restrictive diet, gut microbiome, elimination diet, gut issues, functional medicine, functional testing, supplements for gut health, restore gut health

Think of your gut microbiome as a vibrant garden…

Posted in Acupuncture, blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Functional Medicine Lab Tests, Herbal Supplements, Natural Remedies, Nutrition Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Naturopathic Solutions For Gastrointestinal Issues

Gastrointestinal issues, mind and body, naturopathic solutions, functional testing, holistic healthcare, integrative wellness

Still experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms?

Posted in blog, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine Lab Tests, Holistic Medicine, IBS, Inflammation, Natural Remedies, Pain Tagged with: , , , , ,

What Is Your Gut Telling You?

Gut health, gut microbiome, fatigue, gut-brain connection, stress and gut health, digestive disorder, natural medicine for gut health

Repair your gut = repair your overall health…

Posted in blog, Digestive Health, Fatigue, Inflammation, Natural Medicine, Nutrition, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Gut Health

gut health, stress and digestion, digestive health, naturopathic gut health, restoring the microbiome, probiotic foods

Life can be hard on the digestive track…

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Natural Remedies, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , ,

New Year, New Body

new year’s resolution, naturopathic weight loss, exercise 2023, diet and weight, healthy body, GI

Ready to start the new year off with goals of nurturing your body for better health?

Posted in Aging, blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Natural Medicine, Nutrition, Self Care, weight Tagged with: , , , , ,

20 ways to build your qi

how to build qi, balance qi, fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, immune system health, weight gain

It’s time to restore the energy that’s been depleted…

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Digestive Health, Fatigue, Immune System, Self Care, weight Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Summer BBQ Tips

bloating, summer 2022, best foods for summer, hydration, fasting, natural digestion help

Feel your best this summer …

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Inflammation, Nutrition, Summer Tagged with: , , , , ,

Aging Issues

natural aging, aging, pain relief, supplements for aging, natural sleep aid, natural digestion help

Aging doesn’t have to be painful …

Posted in Aging, blog, Digestive Health, Herbal Supplements, Natural Remedies, Pain, Sleep Tagged with: , , , , ,

Kids & Natural Medicine

natural medicine kids, supplements for kids, mental health kids, acupuncture for kids, kids sleep, kids digestive health

Naturopathic medicine isn’t just for adults …

Posted in Acupuncture, blog, Children, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Herbal Supplements, Kids, mental health, Pain, Sleep, Teens Tagged with: , , , , ,

Lifestyle Fasting

naturopathic lifestyle, life-style choices, intermittent fasting, reset, self image, technology, relationships

Find a fresh-start this spring …

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, mental health, Natural Medicine, Nutrition, Self Care Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Clean Spring Eating

spring detox, spring food cleanse, spring diet, intermittent fasting, hydration, healthy recipes

4 tips to clean up your diet …

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Inflammation, Nutrition, Recipes Tagged with: , , , , ,

Herbal Teas

herbal remedies, herbal teas, tea, natural digestion help, natural detoxification, managing stress, immune system boost, natural sleep aid

Herbal teas have a lot to offer …

Posted in blog, Detox, Digestive Health, Immune System, Natural Remedies, Sleep, Stress & Adrenal Health, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Prebiotic Foods

prebiotics, healthy holidays, gut health, best holiday foods, holiday diet, gut microbiome

Simple ways to incorporate healthy foods …

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Holidays Tagged with: , , , , ,


gluten, elimination diet, celiac, food intolerance, natural digestion help, gluten-free

Is gluten bad for you …

Posted in Allergies, blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Nutrition Tagged with: , , , , ,

Fall Detox

fall detox, fatigue, moody, detox for anxiety, cleanse, intermittent fasting, social media, reset, naturopathic options

10 ways to detox this fall…

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Detox, Diet, Digestive Health, Fatigue, Natural Remedies, Self Care Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Digestion Questions

digestive health, gut health, gas, constipation, natral digestion help, gut microbiome, naturopathic diet

Weird digestion questions & answers …

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Large Intestine Care

large intestine, acupuncture for digestion, natural digestion help, constipation, diarrhea, gut health, stress, IBS

The role of the large intestine …

Posted in Acupuncture, blog, Digestive Health, IBS, Natural Remedies, Pain Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Kids’ Physical Health

building physical health, kids, back to school tips, kids mental health, kids immune systems, kids sleep, natural remedies, naturopathic medicine

8 back to school tips …

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Children, Colds, Digestive Health, Herbal Supplements, Immune System, Kids, mental health, Natural Remedies, Nutrition, Sleep, Summer Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Small Intestine Care

bloating, gas, small intestine, acupuncture for digestion, IBS, gut health, natural digestion help

How to care for the small intestine …

Posted in Acupuncture, blog, Digestive Health, Herbal Supplements, IBS, Inflammation, Natural Remedies, Uncategorized Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Acid & the Stomach

3 main reasons for acid reflux …

Posted in blog, Digestive Health, Inflammation, Natural Remedies Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Gut Health 101

gut health, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, digestive health, natural digestion help, stomach, acupuncture for digestion

What is Healthy Digestion?

Posted in Acupuncture, blog, Digestive Health, Pain Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Anti-Inflammatory Summer

anti-inflammatory, best foods for the summer, healthy summer recipes, naturopathic diet, naturopathic doctor adam graves, summer 2021, summer health

7 Summer Foods That Fight Inflammation …

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Inflammation, Nutrition, Recipes, Summer Tagged with: , , , , , ,

When to Address an Issue

How to know when enough is enough …

Posted in blog, Digestive Health, Hormone, Sleep, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , ,

Detox and Diet

spring cleansing, natural diet, natural detox, eating healthy, detox kidneys, detox liver, seasonal detox, natural nutrition, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Support your natural detox system …

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, IBS, Nutrition Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Diet: Health vs. Looks

How healthy = beautiful …

Posted in Aging, blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Men, mental health, Nutrition, Self Care, Teens, Women Tagged with: , , ,

Foods That Heal

prebiotics, probiotics, healing foods, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Daily healing diet choices …

Posted in blog, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Immune System, Natural Remedies, Nutrition, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Healthy Holiday Eating

healthy holiday meals, fun and healthy holiday meals, best healthy foods for holidays, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Superfoods, smoothies, insulin levels, and more …

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Nutrition, Self Care Tagged with: , , , ,

Digestive Health for Kids

natural remedy for kids diarrhea, natural remedy for kids constipation, home remedy for child stomach pain, natural medicine for children digestive problems, 80104

Kids with tummy troubles?

Posted in blog, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Kids, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care, Natural Remedies, Nutrition, Pain Tagged with: , , ,

Food Allergies vs. Food Sensitivities

food allergy testing, food intolerance testing, food sensitivity testing, 2020, doctor adam graves, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Allergy? Sensitivity? Not sure? Learn more …

Posted in Allergies, blog, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Functional Medicine Lab Tests, Natural Medicine, Nutrition Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Food and Drink Swaps

holiday food swap, holiday drink swap, holiday health, healthy christmas foods, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture, castle rock CO

15 easy swaps to stay merry and bright …

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Kids, Men, Natural Remedies, Nutrition, Women Tagged with: , , , ,

Weight at the Holidays

Healthy weight holidays, christmas diet, healthy christmas food, holiday weight loss, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

How to enjoy holiday treats with health goals in mind …

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Nutrition Tagged with: , , , ,

Hashimoto Disease

natural cure for Hashimoto Disease, hashimoto and gluten, diet for hashimotos, treatment for hashimotos, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Hashimoto’s Disease: supplements, treatments, and possible reversal …

Posted in blog, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Functional Medicine Lab Tests, Hormone, Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies Tagged with: , ,

Staying Healthy While Traveling

Stay healthy during vacation, healthy vacation supplements, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture, 80104

Grab these supplements for your travel bag!

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies, Self Care, Sleep, Stress & Adrenal Health, travel Tagged with: , ,

Farmer’s Market

eat with the season, farmers market castle rock, farmers market colorado, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Your go-to Farmer’s Market tips for this summer!

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Herbal Supplements, Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies, Nutrition

Sit and Watch the Sunset

acupuncture for anxiety, acupuncture for stress, acupuncture for relaxation, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Are you addicted to busy and feeling guilty if you’re not? This blog’s for you …

Posted in Acupuncture, blog, Depression, Digestive Health, Fatigue, Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies, Pain, Self Care, Sleep Tagged with: , ,

Weight Gain and the Holidays

weight gain holidays, holiday diet, gaining weight holidays, christmas diet, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Holiday weight gain can contribute to 1 pound per year! Don’t let that start adding up over the years. Enjoy these tips on how to have a guilt free, sweet, holiday season this year.

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Herbal Supplements, Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies, Nutrition, Self Care Tagged with: , , , , ,

Constipation: Relief, Remedies, and Digestive Health

natural remedies for constipation, natural remedy for bloating, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Long- term or more frequent constipation issues can lead to things such as, bloating, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, long-term GI diseases, colo-rectal cancer, and more.

Posted in blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Herbal Supplements, IBS, Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies, Nutrition Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,