Staying Healthy While Traveling

Stay healthy during vacation, healthy vacation supplements, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture, 80104

It’s not uncommon to feel a little off, stressed, and exhausted after a long plane ride or extensive car trip, but when these passing ailments turn into days of coughing, stuffy noses, upset stomachs, and even anxiety, it can be miserable.

Everything you have looked forward to, saved up for, and took time off for – ruined by not feeling your best; we know the frustration!

It’s not a surprise this often happens when we take into account the stress of preparing and packing for a trip as well as the actual travel itself. Crowds of people, new foods, and exciting adventures can get our immune, nervous, and digestive systems out of balance and make our vacations far from enjoyable.

It were these exact challenges that a client of ours recently had and that were headed off by supplements recommended by Dr. Graves that we knew we should share our insight!  So here’s to the next great adventure – healthy and fun!

So what should you do?

  1. Support Your Immune System.

Airport security bins, gas station bathrooms, cruise ship door handles, and endless other germ-filled environments seem to be around every corner when it comes to traveling.

And while our immune systems can often ward off germs, bacteria, and viruses on a daily basis, when we are stressed from travel, aren’t getting adequate sleep, eating poorly, and not getting in good movement, our immune systems can become compromised…leading to illness.

Our recommendation:

Mountain Peak Nutritionals Acute Immune® to support the immune system before and during a cold or flu.

“Two days into our three week vacation, my husband started to get a scratchy throat and stuy nose. He immediately began taking (2) Acute Immune capsules twice daily.

His symptoms never worsened and were completely gone two days later.

When my two sons developed the same symptoms the following week, we lowered the dosage and had the same amazing results. We all stayed sick-free the entire trip!”

– CNMA Client

Dr. Graves recommends taking 2 Acute Immune capsules before getting on an airplane and continuing with 1-2 daily while around large crowds.

If symptoms arise, taking Acute Immune (up to 2 pills, 4 times a day) at the FIRST SIGN of sickness can help keep a cold or flu at bay and cut the duration short.

Love your immune system and take care of it as though it was a treasured valuable on your trip!

  1. Give Your Stomach Some Love.

Who can pass up wine in France? Pizza in Italy? Cheese curds in Wisconsin?!

It’s okay to indulge in new foods and delicacies of different places and cultures – that’s part of the fun! But when constipation, bloating, upset stomach, acid reflux, and/or diarrhea happen it can put a damper on all the excitement – and fast.

Our recommendation:

Support your liver and gastrointestinal tract with supplements that help process fatty foods, calm flare ups from acid, and detox unwanted toxins.


Mountain Peak Nutritionals® liver C™ to help the liver produce bile, essential for moving toxins out of the body.  Take 1-2 capsules daily.

Mountain Peak Nutritionals® acid reflux™ for soothing and healing of the digestive track due to acid reflux. Take 1 capsule after each meal 1-3 times a day.

Probiotics to keep the good bacteria diverse enough to keep the stomach and digestive track healthy and flourishing.

“I take liver C before going to bed on vacation. After enjoying rich foods throughout the day, I find it helps clear my system and keep me regular.”

– CNMA Client

  1. Let Go of Stress and Anxiety.

Travel can make even the calmest of us stressed and anxious. If anyone has had a long car ride with kids or a long, bumpy flight can attest to this!

That’s why we can’t stress (no pun intended!), the importance of having a supplement on hand to support our nerves when these situations get the best of us.

Our recommendation:

Integrative Therapeutics Lavela WS 1265™ for quick relaxation without drowsiness.  This can be taken before a flight, during a loud road-trip, or even before that bungee jump!  It can also be helpful for falling asleep when in a new location.

This can truly help you sit back and relax!

Designs for Health® NeuroCalm™ in order to stop the chatter and find focus.  A great supplement for when your mind seems to be going in many directions and you desire calm.

CBD Oil for calming the nervous system.  Although we recommend checking on travel policies before leaving, if allowed, CBD oil can be a wonderful way to quickly release tension and stress.

“My husband and I take Lavela with us on all of our vacations. We typically use it before bed when trying to calm down from a busy and exciting day, but we’ve also used it when travel has gotten hectic and we find ourselves challenged by the kids!”

– CNMA Client

Are you planning a big trip?

Don’t find yourself unprepared.  No one wants to visit a walk-in clinic or pharmacy on vacation if they can help it.  Before leaving for your next memorable vacation, consider what supplements can keep it optimal.

If you live in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch, Centennial, Lone Tree, Parker, Larkspur, Monument, Colorado Springs, or the greater Denver Metro area, contact Dr. Graves at (303) 688-6698 or click here to schedule a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation to talk about what supplements you should prepare for your personal travel medicine bag.

And feel free to stop by the CNMA during office hours to stock up on what may be needed for both you and your family.

If travel is truly about the journey and not the destination, let’s make sure that journey is one healthy adventure!

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Diet, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies, Self Care, Sleep, Stress & Adrenal Health, travel Tagged with: , ,

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