We’ve created our “Stay Healthy Guide” for changing seasons…
Prep your holistic, natural medicine cabinet and be ready for those awkward times when illness strikes. Here’s how …
Natural prevention for the flu that works! Too late for prevention? It’s okay, we have treatment tips from Dr. Graves too …
Will you catch a cold if you don’t zip up your jacket? Learn about Wei Qi and why you should thank your mother …
It's that time of year again…cold and flu season. As a Naturopathic Doctor and Acupuncturist, I am often asked how I am able to ward off so many colds throughout the season. After all, I am seeing sick patients in…
2 Naturopathic Tricks I use to BEAT THE FLU: Vitamin D3 – If you definitely have the flu (high fever, body aches, respiratory symptoms, cough, congestion, runny nose), then take 25,000 IU of Vitamin D3 at the first signs of…