Blog Archives

From Striving To Thriving

Western medicine, naturopathic medicine, functional testing, undiagnosed symptoms, food sensitivity testing, comprehensive lab tests

Are you frustrated with the practice of Western medicine?

Posted in blog, Functional Medicine, Functional Medicine Lab Tests, Holistic Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care Tagged with: , , , , ,

Naturopathic Foundations

Natural healthcare, conventional medicine, naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, health restoration, holistic health care, natural symptom relief, Castle Rock

Are you feeling hopeless about healthcare?

Posted in Acupuncture, blog, Holistic Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Lifestyle Tips

life-style choices, chinese body clock, naturopathic lifestyle, natural rhythm, mind and body

Living in sync with the Chinese body clock …

Posted in blog, Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care, Natural Remedies Tagged with: , , , ,

5 Ways to Balance Qi

qi balance, chi balance, energy balance, natural energy balance, natural health and wellness, naturopathic doctor castle rock colorado

Daily energy balance …

Posted in Acupuncture, Anxiety, blog, Functional Medicine, Immune System, mental health, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care, Natural Remedies, Self Care, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Understanding Qi

Qi energy, balancing energy through qi, natural healing, natural cure, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture, 80104

What is Qi?

Posted in Acupuncture, blog, Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care, Self Care Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Spring Fitness and HRV

Spring fitness tracking, heart health, HRV, heart rate variability, natural medicine, functional medicine, doctor adam graves

Unusual workout symptoms?

Posted in blog, Heart Health, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , ,

Your Allergy Questions

at home remedies for spring allergies, natural medicine for spring allergies, allergies in colorado, dr adam grave

How to enjoy nature more this spring …

Posted in Acupuncture, Allergies, blog, Functional Medicine, Immune System, Natural Primary Care, Natural Remedies Tagged with: , , , , ,

Lifechanging CBD

CBD oil, CBD balm, CBD castle rock colorado, doctor adam graves

How CBD can help & why …

Posted in blog, Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care, Pain, Sleep, Sports Massage, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Health and Beauty

get in shape 2021, look younger naturally, best diet 2021, supplements for weight loss 2021, how to get healthy naturally, doctor adam graves 80104

Look good and feel good this year!

Posted in blog, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care, Natural Remedies, Self Care, Sleep, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , ,

Grateful & 2020

grateful, natural healing, natural medicine doctor castle rock, holistic medicine, natural primary care

Trials, challenges, and gratefulness

Posted in blog, Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care Tagged with: , ,

Acupuncture Treatments

what is an acupuncture treatment, how does acupuncture work, does acupuncture hurt, licensed acupuncturist castle rock colorado, doctor adam graves

Deeper Q and A about acupuncture treatments …

Posted in Acupuncture, blog, Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care Tagged with: , , , ,

Resilience: Mental Health

Mental health pandemic, natural resilience, covid 19 mental health care, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Adapt, grow, heal …

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Depression, Fatigue, Immune System, mental health, Natural Primary Care, Self Care, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , ,

Resilience: Physical Health

physical health natural, build health during pandemic, strengthen natural health, stay healthy during pandemic, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Crucial to surviving change …

Posted in blog, Functional Medicine, Immune System, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care, Self Care, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , ,

Digestive Health for Kids

natural remedy for kids diarrhea, natural remedy for kids constipation, home remedy for child stomach pain, natural medicine for children digestive problems, 80104

Kids with tummy troubles?

Posted in blog, Digestive Health, Functional Medicine, Kids, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care, Natural Remedies, Nutrition, Pain Tagged with: , , ,

Natural Medicine: Q and A with Dr. Graves

what is naturopathic medicine, natural medicine questions, natural telehealth, doctor adam graves, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Common questions about Natural Medicine…

Posted in blog, Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care Tagged with: , , ,

Coronavirus Questions

Coronavirus in Colorado, coronavirus prevention, coronavirus travel, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Can it reach CO? Can you travel? …

Posted in blog, Colds, Flu, Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care, Natural Remedies, travel Tagged with: , , , ,

Natural Primary Care Physician

Natural primary care physician, naturopathic primary care, natural doctor for family, natural family doctor, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Your 1 stop shop for health care …

Posted in blog, Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Natural Primary Care Tagged with: ,