Resilience: Mental Health

Mental health pandemic, natural resilience, covid 19 mental health care, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

When life changes outside of our choosing, it can create feelings of uncertainty.  We may not feel safe or sure of ourselves, and it can feel like things are simply out-of-control.

But the choice is up to you…

you can either do everything you can to control life and allow uncertainty to create anxiety


you can connect with what you are feeling, sit with your emotions,
and learn to adapt to what life is right now.

The first thing we want you to know is that you are not alone in the stress, anxiety, and/or depression you may be dealing with.  Almost everyone we talk to lately is feeling some sort of disconnect from normal life and if things were difficult in certain areas before the pandemic hit, they may now be exacerbated due to all of the changes we have been facing since.

Some symptoms you may be experiencing can include, but are not limited to:

– anxious and/or fearful thoughts

– excessive worrying

– limited patience

– lack of motivation

– moodiness

– irritability

– insomnia

– fatigue

– inability to relax or slow down

Mental health is important now more than ever as we navigate such stressful times.  And although we may be able to easily ignore it, it can take a toll on our overall optimal health as well as the health of our relationships with our spouse, kids, extended family, friends, and co-workers.

What can you do to tend to your mental health right now so you can become more resilient to change?

Following are 3 considerations Dr. Graves believes are fundamental to adapting and growing from change: 

1. Check In With Your Mindset

How do you feel about change?

Do you feel overwhelmed, victimized by it and completely at a loss OR do you feel empowered and able to manage it to grow?

The first step is acknowledging how you feel about it.

2. Be Aware of Change.

As we stated in Part I of Building Resilience Through Change, change is inevitable.

Knowing that, however, doesn’t necessarily make change easy.  It can be uncomfortable and hard for almost everyone.

Remember that it’s not just you having difficulty, but that the world is going through major growth and we are all working through it.

3. Trust In Yourself.

Dr. Graves believes, regardless of age or experience, everyone can learn and grow.

Trust in your ability to be able to learn something through this change.  Open your mind to new ideas, perspectives, and ways of life that you may have never have given a second thought to before.

4. Choose How You Want to Relate to Change.

Think of change as a river in which you can choose to swim against it, tiring yourself out and not getting very far, or you can choose to let go and flow with it, letting it take you to new places you never knew before.

Think of areas in your life that you could benefit from letting go and stop trying to control.

What can you do next to support your mental health in adapting to change?

Acupuncture – it can calm your brain, lower your lower your cortisol and bring rest to your central nervous system.

Learn which areas of the body Dr. Graves places needles to help with mental health, specifically:

Holistic Counseling – help process your emotions and experiences in a safe yet supportive environment.

Supplements – a variety of naturopathic herbs such as Lavela WS 1265™ by Integrative Therapeutics®, NeuroCalm™ by Designs for Health®, Adrenal Response® by Innate Response, and CBD oil are all natural choices for anxiety and stress.  Contact our office for information on which one(s) could be best for you.

Prescriptions – medications can be one of the tools to help you begin to regain your health, just be mindful to not rely solely on prescriptions for mental health healing.

Self-Care – massage, walking, yoga, reading, journaling, warm epsom salt baths, etc. can all help lower stress levels, ease anxiety, and bring you back to the present moment.  Find space and time for them.

Would you like to have additional support for your mental health?  

This is your opportunity to find peace and calm.

For those that live in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Parker, Centennial, Larkspur, Monument, Colorado Springs, or the greater Denver metro area and want to strengthen their mental health – especially during this time – please call us at (303) 688-6698 or schedule a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation with Dr. Graves to talk about your current mental health status and learn how we may help you find your way back to yourself.

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Depression, Fatigue, Immune System, mental health, Natural Primary Care, Self Care, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , ,

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