Colds and Flu – Faster Recovery Using Naturopathic Medicine

dr graves, flu, flu remedies, cold remedies, holistic flu remedy, naturopathic flu remedy

2 Naturopathic Tricks I use to BEAT THE FLU:

  1. Vitamin D3 – If you definitely have the flu (high fever, body aches, respiratory symptoms, cough, congestion, runny nose), then take 25,000 IU of Vitamin D3 at the first signs of fever or flu-like symptoms. Repeat this dose daily for 3 days. When I had the flu last winter, my fever broke in 12 hours using this with two other natural remedies. Can you imagine beating the flu this quickly with natural remedies? Having my own experience with it, I know these remedies are powerful when used appropriately and sourced from high-quality manufacturers.
  2. Oscillococcinum. Taken at the first sign of flu-like symptoms (whether you have the flu or not), this homeopathic remedy can help temper some of the worst symptoms, including the fever and body aches. There is also a children's formula.  I add to this Elderberry syrup. This high antioxidant fruit extract, has anti-viral properties against the flu virus. It actually prevents it from spreading from cell to cell. In studies that looked at its efficacy against influenza strains A & B, Elderberry was found to shorten the duration of the flu from the typical _7 days_ to only 4 days. That's 3 days less of flu-like symptoms! In comparison, the medications on the market to treat the flu only shorten its duration by a mere  1 day. Combine it with Vitamin D3, and you've got a power combo that will get you well faster than any prescription remedy.

This second holistic cold and flu remedy is a powerful combination of 3 supplements.  It has been shown to have activity against both Influenza A & B. Remember, during any given flu season, the circulating Influenza virus could be predominantly one or the other. In the past, if the flu vaccine missed which strain became the more predominant one during a season, this rendered the vaccine less than 50% effective. With the flu vaccine a toss-up, it's best to have an arsenal of natural remedies with proven efficacy against the flu.

Fast, Holistic Recovery from Colds and Sore Throats

  1. Oregano Oil – Now for the day to day sore throat that may start after exposure to the common cold, I use products like oregano oil.   Oregano has anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties. So, it is an all-around great anti-infective. 
  2. Clove Oil – also has anti-microbial properties. These oils are basically made by these plants as their natural antibiotics. Clove also offers the added benefit of numbing the throat. You can make it into a spray using a spray bottle and mixing with filtered water. You control the strength by the number of drops you add to the spray bottle. You can also spray clove oil in the air if you're on an airplane to protect you from germs flying in the air (but that may seem a little paranoid to those around you). 
  3. Echincea Goldenseal, Propolis Throat Spray. My favorite throat spray!  Just 2-3 sprays to the throat 2-3 times a day at the first sign of a sore throat.
  4. Bio Vegetarian –  my other favorite fast acting immune formula. Bio Vegetarian taken as 2 tablets 4 times a day for 2 days at first sign of cold symptoms is essential for getting over a cold fast. 
  5. Acupuncture – adding acupuncture to your integrative medicine recovery approach is an effective treatment for moving a cold along.  Acupuncture can help to heal your body while also reducing the stress and fatigue that viruses feed on.

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Now is the time to get your holistic medicine cabinet prepped so you're ready at the first sign of the flu, a cold, or when that sore throat sneaks up on you just before bedtime.  How great it would be to have these supplements ready so that you can start the recovery process immediately?  Whether it's waking up with a fever at 4 a.m. or feeling congestion coming on during a busy work day, you'll be ready.  Prepare now!  Otherwise, you could easily get caught up in the daily grind and let those symptoms linger until they become something more sinister.



May you ward off most colds that come your way, and get through any that you succumb to as fast as possible!  I am here to support you whether you are looking for prevention or recovery, call or sign up online for an appointment.

Dr. Adam Graves

Colorado Natural Medicine + Acupuncture


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