Blog Archives

Discussion on Death

Death, processing grief, grief management, grieving process, acupuncture for grief, natural medicine for grief

Shedding new light on a commonly dark topic…

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How to Mother Yourself

Childhood trauma, feelings, grief, mothers day 2023, nurture yourself, relationships, self love, trauma

A relationship with mom may be complicated…

Posted in blog, Grief, Relationships, Self Care Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

New Year, New Brain

Brain health, naturopathic support for grief, trauma, depression and anxiety, EDMR, psilocybin

There are therapies that can help rewire the brain…

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Depression, Grief, mental health, Natural Medicine, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Processing Grief at the Holidays

grief during the holidays, naturopathic support for grief, holiday anxiety, acupuncture, holistic counseling

There are many ways to process grief…

Posted in Acupuncture, Anxiety, blog, Grief, Holidays, Pain Tagged with: , , , ,

Grief at the Holidays

grief during the holidays, grief, pain, suffering, holiday season, naturopathic support for grief

Why does grief come knocking during the holidays?

Posted in blog, Depression, Grief, Holidays, Pain Tagged with: , , , , ,

Mind/Body Connection

mind and body, mental health physical health connection, covid 19 stress, acupuncture, positive thinking

We are what we think …

Posted in Acupuncture, blog, COVID 19, Grief, mental health, Pain, Pandemic, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , ,

The Human Condition

human condition, pain, suffering, unpredictability, naturopathic care, love not fear, lonely, energy

How to move through the human condition …

Posted in Aging, Anxiety, blog, Depression, Grief, Pain, Pandemic Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Finding Yourself

finding yourself again after pandemic, pandemic health recovery, natural medicine for heart, natural medicine mental health, doctor adam graves

Change, grief, loss of self?

Posted in Anxiety, blog, COVID 19, Fatigue, Grief, Heart Health, Holistic Counseling, Immune System, mental health, Pandemic, Self Care, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Physical Recovery

weight gain pandemic, anxiety pandemic, can't sleep pandemic, depression pandemic, natural medicine, ways to physically recover from covid related changes, colorado

Has the past year taken a toll on your body?

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Depression, Grief, Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies, Pandemic, Self Care, Sleep, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , ,

Process and Grieve

grief, anxiety, depression, natural medicine, holistic counseling, acupuncture, covid-19, doctor adam graves

Shifting gears and feeling like yourself again …

Posted in Anxiety, blog, COVID 19, Depression, Fatigue, Grief, mental health Tagged with: , , , , ,

Immediate Calm

quick stress relief, natural fast stress relief, supplement for stress and anxiety, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Fast stress relief …

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Depression, Fatigue, Grief, Self Care, Sleep, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , ,

Resilience: Spiritual Health

Spiritual health pandemic, natural health spiritual health, spiritual health during change, spiritual health pandemic, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Guidance and evolution of faith …

Posted in blog, Depression, Functional Medicine, Grief, Holistic Counseling, mental health, Self Care, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , ,

Adolescent Mental Health

adolescent mental health, kids mental health support, mental health teens, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Normalizing mental health care for our kids. Here’s how …

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Children, Depression, Functional Medicine, Grief, Holistic Counseling, Kids, Natural Medicine, Self Care, Stress & Adrenal Health, Teens

Daughter Guilt

daughter guilt, son guilt, difference between guilt and shame, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Guilt is a normal response, a mistake to learn from. Shame is different. Which one are you feeling as a daughter?

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Functional Medicine, Grief, Holistic Counseling, Natural Medicine, Self Care Tagged with: , , , , , ,

A Naturopathic’s Guide To Grief: Holidays, Anniversaries, …

natural ways to process grief, grief at the holidays, loss of a loved one, emotional healing, self care during the holidays, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Feeling numb during the holiday season or dreading it? Grief can show up in a variety of mental and physical ways during the holidays and throughout the year.

Posted in blog, Depression, Fatigue, Functional Medicine, Grief, Holistic Counseling, Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies, Self Care, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , ,

A Naturopathic’s Guide to Grief

naturopathic support grief and loss, grief stages, support for grieving, natural remedy for depression, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Dr. Graves suffered a personal loss that gave him the opportunity to transform not only his life, but also the lives of his patients. Grief and loss are types of stress that cause a substantial impact to our health on many levels. Learn more in today’s blog …

Posted in blog, Depression, Functional Medicine, Grief, Holistic Counseling, Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies, Self Care Tagged with: , , , ,

Art Therapy: Helping Children and Adolescents

Art Therapy for children ages 4 to 12, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

It’s tough to be a kid. Not only are today’s pressures—from school to sports to friends—difficult for kids, but traumas, abuses, bullying, and even the Internet can lead to anxiety, depression, and self-harm. Whether these fears and worries stem from

Posted in blog, Children, Depression, Functional Medicine, Grief, Holistic Counseling, Kids, Natural Medicine, Self Care Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Anxiety & Acupuncture – Help or Hype?

anxiety and acupuncture, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture, castle rock 80104

The best way for me to describe it is as though I was acutely aware of all of the bad things that could happen and it all kept racing through my mind most minutes of the day.  I was always

Posted in Acupuncture, Anxiety, blog, Depression, Functional Medicine, Grief, Holistic Counseling Tagged with: , , , ,

3 Tips for Grief at the Holidays

holiday depression, holiday grief, seasonal depression, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture, castle rock

For me, it’s like being in a fog between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. I go through the motions, but there is no authentic joy. I cringe at most Christmas songs, I don’t have the energy or urge to decorate, and

Posted in blog, Depression, Functional Medicine, Grief, Herbal Supplements, Holistic Counseling, Natural Medicine Tagged with: , , , , , ,