Can Your Allergies Be Cured?

Can allergies be cured, natural remedy for allergies, allergy drops, allergy remedies, castle rock co, colorado natural medicine and accupuncture

Did you know that you may be able to get rid of those pesky allergies for good?

Yes, that means that the inhaler you carry around, the steroids you take, and/or the allergy sprays and pills that fill your medicine cabinet could all be a thing of the past with new sublingual immunotherapy allergy treatment.

Too good to be true? Let us explain…

What is sublingual immunotherapy?
Sublingual immunotherapy focuses on giving the bodily system liquid antigens that help the body build up an immunity to the allergy. It’s important to note that this therapy concentrates on fixing the underlying issue in the body rather than just masking the symptoms (as allergy sprays, pills, and inhalers do). The antigens work with the body to develop immunity to the allergy altogether.

The most commonly used sublingual therapy up until now has been allergy shots. They can work well, however, they can be inconvenient (as they are administered in a medical office setting) and have risks associated with puncturing the skin for the shot itself.

Now, there is a sublingual therapy that is convenient and safer – allergy drops!

Why should I try allergy drops?
To help heal the body of its susceptibility to certain allergens, it’s crucial to look at the underlying cause and build immunity back. Drops, taken under the tongue, get absorbed into the body immediately and begin to work on the underlying cause and in effect, relieve the symptoms related to the allergy.

Based on lifestyle and goals, allergy drops can be ideal for certain clients who need an easy and convenient way to treat and eliminate their allergies.

Specifically, allergy drops:

– are taken daily at home, with no need to visit the clinic for treatment – do not consist of puncturing the skin with a shot

– treat and protect against more allergens than shots

– can have long lasting or even curing results that are quick

What types of allergies can be helped or even cured?
Many! Allergy drops can help both environmental and food allergies.

If your allergies are affecting your every day life and/or you suffer from allergy symptoms for more than three months out of the year, daily allergy drops may significantly improve your quality of life.

Symptoms of allergies can include, but are not limited to:

–  runny or stuffed nose

–  sneezing or wheezing

–  persistent cough

–  itchy and/or watery eyes

–  fatigue

–  Asthma

–  sinusitis

–  headaches

–  skin rashes

How do I get started taking allergy drops?
The first step in getting sublingual immunotherapy allergy drops is to identify and verify the allergy or allergies be treated. This may be done by your naturopathic doctor and can consist of different simple tests.

Dr. Adam Graves, naturopathic doctor, may then recommend your allergy drops and be able to order them for you. After that, it’s simply up to you to do the rest with an easy daily drop(s)! Just contact us here by phone, 303.688.6698, or schedule online after hours.

Do you suffer from chronic allergies and live in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Parker, Highlands Ranch, Centennial, Larkspur, Monument, or Colorado Springs? Our office may be able to help you receive sublingual immunotherapy to help ease and/or cure your allergy suffering.  Contact us today for your free 15 minute consult to learn more.

Posted in Allergies, blog, Functional Medicine Lab Tests, Herbal Supplements, Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies Tagged with: , , , , , ,

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