How are You Managing Your Priorities?

Managing priorities, holiday season, holiday stress, natural stress remedy, nature, nutrition and mental health, supplements for stress, holiday self-care

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and connection. However, for many, it can also be a time of stress, overwhelm, and emotional strain. The hustle and bustle of gift-giving, social gatherings, and family obligations can take a toll on our mental health.

For example, one of my patients is a busy professional and mother of two who tells me she finds herself dreading the holidays each year. The pressure to create the perfect holiday experience, coupled with the demands of her job and family, leaves her feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. She often ends up feeling anxious, irritable, and disconnected from those she loves.

As a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist, I have a unique position to help with the underlying causes of mental and emotional issues – especially at the holidays, I truly understand the challenges that my patients face during the holidays – because I face them too!

I believe wholeheartedly that by prioritizing self-care and making conscious choices, we can navigate the holidays in a way that supports our mental and emotional well-being. Based on the foundations of Naturopathic Medicine, here are a few of the strategies I implement when I’m feeling overwhelmed or burnt out:

Get Grounded in Nature

Movement is an essential component of self-care, especially during the holidays when stress levels tend to rise. I encourage my patients to incorporate regular movement into their routine, whether it’s taking a brisk walk, enjoying a bike ride, or exploring the scenic trails around Castle Rock.

  • Riding at A-Basin: Before my little one arrived, I would go up on Fridays and hit the slopes at “The Legend.” I love the fresh air, powder, and the challenge of the East Wall. There’s a lot of great terrain for beginners as well.
  • The Mac and Ridgeline (Mountain Biking): Explore the challenging yet rewarding mountain biking trails at The Mac and Ridgeline in Castle Rock. For me, it’s just a quick trip, and I can challenge myself physically while enjoying the panoramic views of this state we love.
  • Spruce Mountain is a great place to enjoy the outdoors with kids. Embark on a family-friendly hike up Spruce Mountain, taking in the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape just south of Castle Rock.

Nourish Your Body

Nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining mental health. I recommend focusing on nourishing your body with whole, unprocessed foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Try to incorporate healthy fats, such as avocados and nuts, into your diet.

  • Cook at home: Enjoy the satisfaction of preparing a delicious and nutritious meal at home. Try roasting vegetables with chicken for a simple yet flavorful dish.
  • Eat healthy and support local: Indulge in a comforting bowl of traditional Vietnamese pho from Pho 777, known for its authentic flavors and fresh ingredients.
  • Quick cuppa? Visit Crowfoot Valley Coffee or COF3E, local favorites, for atmosphere and delicious coffee, tea, and pastries.

Restore Balance

Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining emotional balance and preventing burnout. I recommend you aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. I also suggest incorporating calming herbs and supplements into your routine for added relaxation and sleep. You can pick any of these supplements at Colorado Natural Medicine & Acupuncture.

  • Lavela: Lavela is a natural herbal supplement that has been shown to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
  • NeuroCalm:  NeuroCalm is a natural supplement that supports healthy GABA levels in the brain, promoting relaxation and restful sleep.
  • CBD: CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis that has been shown to reduce anxiety and promote sleep.
  • Peaceful Feeling by The Flower Remedy: Peaceful Feeling is a homeopathic tincture that promotes stress relief.

Find Your Equilibrium

Stress is a natural response to everyday challenges, but when you start dreading the holidays, remember you have the choice to shape your reality. It’s important to identify your stress triggers and to be aware of how you react/ respond to them. Here are a few more ways that might help you manage them effectively:

  • Acknowledge and accept who you are: Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert? Knowing how to recharge during the holidays is dependent on your own unique makeup. It takes baby steps, so start with this quiz – it might give you more insight into what fills up your engine, so to speak.
  • Limit alcohol consumption, as it can disrupt sleep and worsen anxiety.
  • Consider incorporating pet therapy into your routine. Spending time with pets can lower stress levels and promote relaxation. Our dog, Mowgli, comes into the office every day, and he “generally” loves it when you say hello.

Remember, the holidays are a time to celebrate and connect with loved ones, not a time to sacrifice your well-being. By prioritizing self-care, you can navigate the holiday season with grace and resilience, ensuring that you feel your best both during and after the festivities.

If you want more ways to reduce stress and anxiety over the holidays, I can help you find and utilize naturopathic solutions. Let’s get started. I offer a complimentary call for new patients to discuss their symptoms. I can help you develop a personalized plan to transform your mental health and help you feel your best. Colorado Natural Medicine + Acupuncture in Castle Rock, Colorado is currently accepting new patients. Contact me by calling 303-688-6698 or scheduling online.

Posted in Anxiety, blog, Herbal Supplements, Holidays, mental health, Natural Medicine, Natural Remedies, Nutrition, Self Care, Sleep, Stress & Adrenal Health Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

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