Slowing Down

holiday stress, winter health, natural self care 2021, massage for stress, healthy holiday, unplug 

3 Ways to Slow Down at the Holidays

Slowing down at the holidays?  This can seem like an oxymoron to some! 

This time of year is abundant with traditions, activities, and events that make the season special.  There’s a spirit to it that yearns to be celebrated and with that, comes a sometimes endless list of things to do and places to be.

It’s enough for anyone to need a long winter’s nap!

But as much fun as all the festivities are, holidays filled with stress and exhaustion from overdoing it aren’t very merry for you…or your loved ones.

So skip the sleepless nights, irritated mood, weight gain, and low immunity that can all come along with stress at the holidays and slow down, regroup, and be present for what matters most.


Here are 3 ways to aim for getting the most out of the season without overdoing it.

  1. Disconnect to Reconnect.

How will you free up space in your life to enjoy what the season has to offer?

Rather than adding more to a busy life (and mind!), consider what to disconnect with or put on hold in order to have the energy and space to connect with the purpose of your holidays.

For example, try:

  • putting away cell phones after work only to be used when necessary
  • taking a break from online shopping, web surfing, and/or social media
  • being selective about what entertainment is watched (such as carefully choosing news, shows, and movies)
  • utilizing vacation days for time off work

It’s important to have awareness that you may still have daily responsibilities, but you have a choice on how you spend your free time.

And that free time?

Find ways to connect with nature, others, and yourself in meaningful and healthy ways, such as:

  • hiking, snowshoeing, sledding, ice skating
  • conversation with a neighbor over coffee or tea
  • putting together a puzzle or playing board games with kids
  • baking with loved ones
  • journaling

Think about what you can shift in order to connect more.

  1. Take Time for Yourself.

This is a season of doing for others and there can be much enjoyment in that!

However, it’s important to do for yourself as well.

Ask yourself what YOU need at the holidays and then honor those needs when possible.

For example, maybe you crave peace and quiet and would like a few hours one evening to yourself for an Epsom salt bath and a good book.

Or you may be tired from holiday cooking and would love for other family members to help out or pick up takeout.

It may even be the desire to pamper yourself with a massage!

Whatever it is, let your family know what would be helpful for you and don’t be afraid to ask for assistance!

  1. Make the Holidays a Vacation.

Think of the holiday season as a time to rest and recover from the year.  Allow yourself to regroup from the past year and prepare for the next one ahead.

One way to do this is to think of this time of year as a sort of vacation.

This can mean doing things such as:

  • minimizing obligations
  • setting healthy boundaries with others and yourself
  • stop trying to accommodate everyone and focus on your nuclear group
  • participate in activities you love
  • taking time to rest and do nothing

What do you do on vacation and how can you set similar guidelines in place during the holidays?

It’s essential that you value your own physical and mental health and take care of it when things get busy.

Does taking care of yourself at the holidays mean addressing a health issue or calming your nervous system? Let CNMA offer support.

Please call us at (303) 688-6698 or click here to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation with Dr. Graves to talk about any health concern you may have.  Think of it as a holiday treat for YOU!

The CNMA office provides naturopathic care, testing, massage, and holistic counseling to those in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Centennial, Parker, Larkspur, Monument, Colorado Springs, and the greater Denver metro area.  For those outside of these areas, virtual appointments are available.

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