You have a romantic date night scheduled. The reservations are made, your new outfit awaits, and the kids are at a friend’s house for the night.
It’s all perfect, except for one thing…
you just don’t feel “in the mood”.
Even though we may think our society is very open about sexuality (and in some ways, it may be), we still find that our culture is sexually repressed. And by that, we mean that talking about our sexual difficulties can be taboo.
So who do we turn to when we just aren’t feeling it? Actually, you can turn to us.
Over the years, Dr. Graves has treated many clients with sexual dysfunctions and he’s come to understand much about how men and women view sex as well as found natural ways to get the mojo back.
Typically, we find that there are two major reasons why sexual health may be unbalanced:
- Physical Reasons
- Emotional Reasons
And although the smaller details may differ between the sexes, these two root causes can be dealt with successfully through holistic medicine.
Physicality Matters
Yes, physical attraction matters in a relationship, but physical health also matters in keeping that spark alive.
For men, a lack of libido can mean:
- too much stress
- low testosterone (any number below 500)
- a physical illness (such as diabetes or heart disease)
- reaction to medication
Men’s physical reasons for sexual dysfunction are typically straight-forward and can be concluded from blood and saliva tests.
Depending on results, natural solutions include, but are not limited to:
– starting out with herbal supplements such as Nutro Biogenesis™ Andro Plus or Douglas Laboratories® Adreno Mend™ to boost testosterone (this is a good first step for men whose testosterone is between 300-500)
– weight lifting to increase muscle mass (which creates testosterone)
– getting adequate amount of sleep
– enjoying a healthy diet
– meeting with hormone specialist, Ms. Jordan Bernard (in the CNMA office) who may prescribe testosterone cream, pellets, or injections for those who are unable to increase their testosterone after 2 months of herbal supplements and lifestyle changes
For women, low libido can be due to:
- estrogen, progesterone, and/or testosterone imbalance
- thyroid imbalance
- overall fatigue
As with men, simple blood and saliva tests can help Dr. Graves analyze the body’s overall functioning and what root causes there may be.
To change these issues, there are options such as:
– having sex in the morning versus evening if fatigue is apparent at night
– taking adrenal supplements such as Innate™ Adrenal Response®
– hormone creams such as progesterone or testosterone
– thyroid support with Lu Rong Supreme™ by Supreme Nutrition (if not managed yet), AdrenoMend™ by Douglas Laboratories, and Thyroid Support™ by Pure Encapsulations®
To find out if your sexual challenges could be a physical imbalance and what to take if so, schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation with Dr. Graves here to get started.
Emotional Issues
As much as we may see sexual content on television, in movies, in magazines, online, etc. it can still be difficult to talk about when it comes to our own personal challenges.
The emotional side of sex may not be something you choose to tell your primary care physician, but is important to discuss with some sort of professional – it matters!
We find that the following are some of the more prominent emotional issues men and women face when it comes to sex:
- Body image – I’m not perfect.
- Guilt/Shame – while men may be praised for certain things, women may feel ashamed for doing things “un-ladylike”
- Stigma – keeping sex secret and forbidden, especially with kids in the house
- Concept of Normality – how many “times” a day, week, or month should a couple have sex
- Embarrassment of Physical Issue – feeling inadequate and less of a man/woman
- Trauma – memories of abuse or grief from loss
Know that these are completely normal emotions and thoughts when it comes to sex in our culture. We may not discuss them openly or personally, but they can and do exist.
In dealing with these, and other emotional issues:
– meet with a professional, such as Dr. Graves or holistic counselor, Jeannette McMahan to talk safely about your concerns
– slowly begin to show love and intimacy in public – hold hands, give a kiss, etc.
– know that each couple is different and libidos are going to change as we age. Discussing this with your partner and coming to a healthy compromise about expectations can be helpful and effective – just remember every couple is unique!
– go slow. If it’s been a while, start-off slow with no expectation.
– work on loving yourself and self-care first
These are just a few options to start with in processing everything from trauma to stigma that may be associated with sexual difficulty.
To talk further in a safe and nurturing environment, contact us at (303) 688-6698 to schedule a complimentary 15 minute phone call with Dr. Graves to discuss further.
Although we can tend to gravitate towards our cultural portrayal of sex, it can be quite difficult for some of us to think and talk about personally.
If you live in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Centennial, Parker, Larkspur, Monument, Colorado Springs, or the Greater Denver Metro area and are looking for the right person to address your questions and concerns with, don’t hesitate to contact us now.
Click here to schedule your phone consultation now.
Is it time to make 2019 the year of love?
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