Seasonal Awareness

summer 2021, summer during pandemic, relaxation, seasonal health tips, eat with the season, natural treatments for chronic stress

Seasonal Awareness: Enjoying the Summer Moments 

Seasonal awareness.

Defined by Dr. Graves as taking our cues from nature and living in the present season, seasonal awareness encourages us to embrace the changing world around us.

Inspiring everything from what we eat to what we do, it connects us to the earth and guides our health organically.  It can be one of the simplest ways to live, but also one of the most forgotten.

As you think about what this type of lifestyle means for you,

what gifts of summer are you enjoying right now?

In American society, we are a culture of production.  Success is often defined as how much we can get done rather than our state of happiness.  There is little time for recreation and relaxation and before we know it, an entire season has went by without us fully living and appreciating the moment.

This year, as we make our way back from a pandemic, it can be even more important to embrace the summer season.  As fall approaches and “things get back to normal,” we may find extra work, more responsibilities, and even less time to enjoy ourselves.

So this summer, sit back, relax, and soak it all in.  There may be no better time than now to do this.

Need ideas on how to chill in the summer heat?  Here are 5 to get you started!

  1. Seek Out Water. Not only do we love the exercise that swimming, kayaking, paddle boarding, waterskiing, and the like provide, but the calm and restorative effects are endless.Whether a local pool, city reservoir, mountain lake, or stream, seek out places to do everything from dip your toes to ride the waves.
  1. Make a Farm to Table Meal. Some of the best produce of the year is being harvested right now. Take advantage of juicy tomatoes, crisp greens, sweet corn, fresh berries, and more by making a unique farm to table meal. Visit a local farmer’s market to stock up for your special evening and revel in the tastes of the season before they’re gone.
  1. Enjoy Friends and Family. Summer is a great time to socialize – especially since we’ve been isolated for so long. Make the most out of warmer weather and longer days by appreciating the season with others. Whether a backyard barbecue, a picnic at the pool, or a walk in the woods, make time to relax with those you love.
  1. Get Out of Town. No, you don’t have to book a full blown vacation. But…a day away can do wonders to clear your mind and broaden your perspective.  Fortunately, living in Colorado provides a plethora of places to explore so get out and see the world! Seize the day with an afternoon in the mountains, a dip in a hot spring, a drive through a national park, or a hike to a waterfall.
  1. Turn off Electronics. Social media, online shopping, and internet browsing can become addictive. It’s easy to quickly research something only to find a half hour has gone by before you look up. One way to live in the present is to turn off electronics and be mindful of those, and the environment, around you. Opt for social-media free weekends or no internet after dinner to engage your senses in the season.

Before we know it, we’ll be trading our flip flops for faux-fur boots.  Don’t let summer get away from you – live in the moment and take advantage of the beautiful season before you.

You don’t know when things may get busy again so take time to relax and restore your body and mind now so you’re prepared.

Need help unwinding?  It can be tough to let go of chronic stress – especially after a year of it.

For naturopathic options to reduce stress, relieve pain, increase sleep, balance hormones, and soothe digestion, please call us at (303) 688-6698 or click here to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation with Dr. Graves to talk further.

The CNMA office provides naturopathic care, testing, massage, and holistic counseling to those in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Centennial, Parker, Larkspur, Monument, Colorado Springs, and the greater Denver metro area.  For those outside of these areas, virtual appointments are available.

Posted in blog, mental health, Natural Remedies, Pandemic, Self Care, Stress & Adrenal Health, Summer Tagged with: , , , , ,

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