Massage for Cellulite Reduction

massage for cellulite reduction, anti-cellulite massage, reduce cellulite with massage, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Too good to be true?

Maybe not.

Ever wear pants (even in VERY hot weather!) because you’re embarrassed of cellulite? Dread putting on a swimsuit?
How about tired of trying every type of exercise to diminish cellulite only for it to stick around? Yep, pretty normal.
However, there may be a solution to your unwanted cellulite that is holistic and helpful. And we’re delighted to discuss it more with one of our massage therapists, Adam Whitehead, who is familiar with massage focused on eliminating cellulite.

What’s the magic you’re wondering (or questioning!) about? Let’s find out!

What is cellulite and why do I have it?!
Cellulite seems to affect about 98% of women to some degree and can affect men as well. It is in no way connected specifically to your body fat percentages and just being fat is not what causes cellulite (a little bit of relief?!).

Cellulite is a natural process of fat cells getting into the layers of the skin, away from the major fat areas between muscles and skin, which allow it to have a greater effect on the elasticity of the skin. Fascia lines connect our skin down towards the inside of our body and these fat cells push up between them creating the dimpled look.

From what we have researched, cellulite is in no way harmful to our bodies. It is purely an aesthetic…situation.

And unfortunately, this situation is difficult to get rid of (as many of us know!).

Can massage make a difference?
It actually can!

Now, it’s important to be mindful of expectations, but minimal to sometimes moderate differences can be achieved using certain techniques. The goals of these techniques marketed as cellulite massage are actually found in most average massages – just not so focused or intense.

Will a cellulite massage hurt?
Keep in mind that cellulite is fat cells within the dermis layers.

The first time massage therapist, Adam Whitehead learned of cellulite massage it was based in California as a totally new treatment to the stars – and boy was it supposed to be painful! As he investigated it further, he found out a practitioner had developed a method for squeezing the life out of the fat cells so they could be reabsorbed by the body. PAINFUL!

“The reviews were sad and humorous for me to read. Not what I would suggest as a treatment option – nor do I ever like to suggest things that will cause more pain and suffering or bruising before seeing any minor benefit,” Adam states.

So what are the goals?
When considering the elasticity of the skin is part of what causes the look of cellulite and couple that with the effects of fascia as the anchors – both need to be addressed.

Specifically, the following can help the look of cellulite:

– Increasing the circulation or blood flow to the skin creates a healthier more balanced look. Massage is great for this and don’t forget exercise!

– Increasing hydration within the skin and tissues beneath will also smooth things over and give less of a tufted appearance – so drink that water!

– Decreasing the tug of the fascia within the skin will also allow the skin to be smoother on the outside. Stretching and exercise, anyone?

– Lastly, there is benefit in the increasing lymphatic flow which is how the body processes and removes most all the things we don’t want in our bodies. There’s that benefit of massage again!

Do I have to have a painful massage to reduce the look of cellulite?
Not at all!

Adam states that even beginner Swedish massage techniques provide some of the most effective treatment options.

“Swedish techniques are the base line for massage – it was the first documented and taught style of treating the body with a hands-on approach. Kneading, petrissage, knuckle raking, feather stroking, the “S” move – are words to describe the hands-on techniques that affect cellulite. And they can all be done in a manner that does not create pain in you!” says Adam.

Even a nice relaxing spa type massage will have some minor effects on your cellulite. You just may never notice the difference – and what will allow that is a much more focused session.

And for those wondering if deep tissue massage works, it can as well! Deep tissue is quite the opposite of a Swedish massage in that the work is found against the bone in the deeper tissue layers. Although the techniques required to create change usually do incorporate a heavier pressure and a gathering of larger area of tissues that usually ranges into the underlying muscles.

Nutrition, hydration, regular exercise and muscle building activities are the most natural ways to support the skin from the inside out and impact the seemingly unavoidable occurrences of cellulite. And massage can help with every aspect of that and expedite the process – without painful suffering!

If you live in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Lone Tree, Highlands Ranch, Centennial, Larkspur, Monument, Colorado Springs, or the greater Denver Metro area and are curious about how massage can reduce the look of cellulite, please contact our offices at (303) 688-6698 to connect with Adam Whitehead.  You can also book an appointment online.

It may just be time to break out that swimsuit after all!

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