CBD Oil and CBD Cream: Top Questions Answered

CBD oil, CBD cream, CBD lotion, THC, cannabis, marijuana, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

You’ve probably heard about it. Seen signs for it. Wondered about it.

But maybe you still have questions…

We get it.

This new phenomenon hitting the market can seem a bit too good to be true…until you start to realize that it is made from what was once an illegal drug (and in some states still is). That’s enough for anyone to have questions!

This is why we want to openly discuss the most popular questions we receive. We are also here to talk with you privately about any further concerns you may have – we are just a phone call away at (303) 688-6698.

So let’s get to it!

1. Will I get “high” from taking CBD oil or cream?

THC is the compound in marijuana that produces a psychoactive reaction, or the feeling of being “high”.

CBD oil and creams contain virtually no THC, therefore, producing no “high” affects. Now, CBD can contain very small traces of THC, but not enough for someone to feel a psychoactive affect.

2. Can I perform daily tasks while taking CBD?

Because there is no psychoactive affect, you can still go on with daily life as normal. This means you can drive, work, take care of the kids, make dinner, and run all of your errands.

But beware…you may just feel less stressed doing it all!

3. Can I overdose on CBD?
No, you can not overdose on CDB. However, you can make yourself sick by taking too much THC / marijuana. These affects can be such things as nausea, dizziness and vomiting.
We encourage you to talk with Dr. Graves about the appropriate dosage for what you are using CBD for.

4. How long do the calming affects of CBD last?
Typically, 3-6 hours depending on how much has been taken.

5. How do I take CBD oil?
CBD oil is taken by a dropper and the dosage ranges from half a dropper to 2 full droppers – one to two times a day. The CBD oil is disposed under the tongue and held for approximately one minute before swallowing. Yes, CBD oil can have a slight marijuana taste, but many are complemented with fruit essence.

We encourage starting out with a half dropper and slightly increasing from there, if needed, to reach optimal results.

6. Will CBD interact with any medications?
It can, but is unlikely. It’s important to talk with the doctor that has prescribed any medications or supplements that you are currently taking to ensure there are no known interactions.

Warfarin and benzodiazepines are most likely to interact and should be carefully considered. When interaction does occur, which is rare, it’s typically comprised of drowsiness.

7. Can I drink and take CBD?
Yes. CBD does not react with alcohol – but you could feel more tired.

8. Will marijuana show up on a drug test if I take CBD?
This is a great question and one that we don’t feel has enough evidence behind it as of yet.

Even though there is virtually no THC (the psychoactive component of marijuana) in CBD, there are still minuscule amounts. This makes it a gray area for us.

It is highly unusual that marijuana would show up on a drug test if just taking CBD, but it is not impossible, especially if taking large amounts of CBD.

We recommend discussing this with your HR department. You may be able to make a more informed decision of your CBD usage once learning about your company’s policies.

9. Can I travel with CBD oil or cream?
It depends. Once you arrive at the airport security check point, you are subject to federal law – in which marijuana is illegal.

However, because most CBD is made from hemp, it contains very small amounts of THC – the compound that can get you in trouble federally.

If you are traveling with CBD, first ensure that there are only trace amounts of THC in it – don’t take a CBD that has any significant amount of THC in it.

This should be fine as hemp derived CBD is legal federally, however, we always encourage you to call the airport you are flying out of and into before traveling.

10. Can CBD help my anxiety?
It can. CBD can “take the edge off” when life seems to be spinning at too fast of a rate. And although it can help you feel more relaxed, a feeling of being sedated (like many prescriptions), is not likely.

CBD can help calm the mind (think of all that chatter that needs a break!) and can help you focus on staying in the present.

11. Can CBD help me sleep?
It may! If taken right before falling asleep, it may help you fall asleep and/or stay asleep. We recommend taking your dosage 20-30 minutes prior to bed time to relax your body and mind. And remember to not watch television or browse your phone or computer while trying to doze off!

12. Can CBD help reduce my pain?
Pain is mostly due to inflammation and CBD can be a wonderful way to reduce that inflammation. If pain is located in a specific area, we recommend CBD cream in that area. If it is more whole body, CBD oil can help with overall inflammation.

13. Where do I get CBD oil that I can trust?
Our office.

At CNMA, we carry Prairie Harvest Organics, a local grower that delivers directly to our office. These organically grown CBD products – oil and cream, are available for you to drop in and pick up or for you to order.

Please keep in mind you may want to call before stopping by to ensure that we have your desired product in stock as we sometimes run out.

Please know that you can always ask Dr. Graves any dosage and additional questions you may have.

Do you live in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Centennial, Parker, Larkspur, Monument, Colorado Springs, or the greater Denver Metro area and have questions or would like to try CBD?

You don’t have to feel afraid or confused about CBD anymore. This is a legal product federally and we are happy to help you learn more and see if it could help what you are suffering from.

Please feel free to call us at (303) 688-6698 or schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation with Dr. Graves here to discuss your questions further.

We hope we can help on your journey to wellness!




cntraveler.com/story/no-cbd-oil-wont-get-you-stoned-but-it-could-make-travel-less- stressful

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