2019: New Year, New You

2019 natural health, 2019 fitness, 2019 natural medicine, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

“It was New Year’s Day 2016. I was struggling with a health issue that had been going on for years, I was afraid of what it could be, and I was silently consumed by it everyday.

However, when that new year rolled around, I knew enough was enough and it was now time to figure it out.

I remember making a determination that New Year’s Day. I promised myself that  I was going to find out what was wrong – no matter what the problem was and what the work would be to make it better.

It took a giant helping of courage, but I started looking into alternative medical options and that’s when I found acupuncture and Dr. Graves.  I will admit, I was nervous at the time and I didn’t have much extra income to try this holistic medicine. However, it was one of the most significant decisions and investments I have made in my life.

I learned that year, my New Year’s determination saved me.”

– CNMA Client

Are you ready to have results like this?  Is it time 2019 becomes your best year yet?

We’re not here to tell you it’s easy. It can be scary, challenging, and frustrating, but it can also be worth it all…and THAT’S what we are here for.

If you have a health issue you are dealing with, an emotional trauma you’re ready to begin healing, or even a change in life and overall health perspective, here are:

Dr. Graves’ 3 Steps to Making a Determination & Sticking to It

 1.  Find Your Determination.

Start out by listing out what you really want in life.  Some examples may be:

– finding the root cause of a health issue

– facing a fear you have

– getting a good vitamin regime going

– eating healthier

– losing weight

– gaining a healthier perspective on your lifestyle

– beginning to heal a traumatic wound

– starting to relax and rest more

– decreasing stress

– getting better sleep

– working out more

– releasing an addiction

just to name a few!

Know that you are worthy of the determinations you list and do not feel guilty for listing them! It’s important to be honest with yourself about what you would truly like – even if it takes courage just to write them down.

After making your list, select your top 3, however, you may just choose to select one and focus on making that happen at the moment.

2.  Create a Small Step Action Plan.

We understand that you may want to jump in full force – and for some people, that may work great.  However, we mostly find that a design of small action plans for a gradual change can make for a more realistic and longer lasting change process.

To create your plan, consider the following:

– what is a realistic goal for the first 24 hours? first week? first month? following

– what do you need to help you achieve your goal? Is it a partner to keep you
accountable? Is it equipment to work with? Is it a change in your monthly budgeting?
How about the right doctor to help?

Write down what you need, how much it may cost, and who you can turn to.

– how are you going to make this change enjoyable? The more we can slowly turn
our changes into something positive, the more sustainable they may become.

Once you have a solid foundation of what you feel is realistic to expect, then:

– write out small steps of what you can do daily to make your determination happen

– specify a flexible timeline of when you’d like to see progress

– note when and where you will start

3.  Monitor Your Progress & Adapt if Need Be

It’s hard to have patience sometimes.  Especially when it comes to losing weight or other noticeable changes we can easily recognize.

However, what happens when our goals aren’t met in the timeframe we’d like? Or what about if we can’t objectively measure our progress?

It’s all about monitoring ourselves.

As you begin your action plan, consider how you will monitor yourself. Some ways are easy – a scale or measuring tape can easily help us with our weight loss progress, but what about dealing with a past traumatic experience or being more patient with our kids?

The following are some ways we can watch how well our action steps are working towards achieving our determinations:

– apps that keep us on track for going to the gym, eating more vegetables, etc.

– writing in a journal of how we feel each day

– writing down how many hours of sleep we are getting each night and how we feel the next day

– jotting down our daily intake of food and beverages

– asking our friends and families if they have noticed any perspective, mood, or other changes

If you find that you are progressing extra slow (and keep in mind that 2-4 lbs. per month for women and 4-8 lbs. per month are what are recommended for healthy weight loss), then it may be time to adjust your action steps.

And that is perfectly fine! This doesn’t mean that you have to throw in the towel or that you didn’t hold up to your new year’s resolution.  It actually means the opposite!  It says that you still care and hold your determination in high priority, that you are willing to be flexible and try new things to achieve your goals.

We recommend checking in on your progress at every 2-4 weeks, depending on what your goals are. And don’t be afraid to reach out for help if it’s too challenging on your own or you just need new ideas!

We understand the importance of this time of year and how powerful resolutions can be. We also know how hard they can be to keep.

If you live in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Centennial, Parker, Larkspur, Monument, Colorado Springs, or the greater Denver Metro area, and are determined to face your issue or get back to health, now is the time to contact us for a free 15 minute phone consultation with Dr. Graves at (303) 688-6698 or click here to schedule.

We will be there with you every step of the way – with compassion, empathy, and understanding.  Let’s work together to make 2019 your best year yet.

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