Reduce Chronic Inflammation

reduce chronic inflammation, less inflammation, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture, doctor adam graves

Did you know that chronic inflammation is a driver in many diseases?

Heart disease, hormone disruption, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disease, neurological disorders, headaches and migraines, multiple sclerosis, and poor immunity are just a small list of correlated disease with chronic inflammation that researchers are discovering.  It is accelerating the aging process and it’s not good. 

With a rise in numbers in so many of these diseases and more, what’s causing chronic inflammation and how can we squelch it?

Chronic inflammation in the body is caused by things such as, but not limited to:

– stress

– poor diet

– improper sleep

– digestion issues

– alcohol

– obesity

– smoking

as well as overreaction from the immune system.

All of us can feel stress, make a poor diet choice, or get a less-than-ideal night of sleep over the years, so how can we counteract the inflammation that may be in our systems because of it?

Following, Dr. Graves shares 10 Ways to Reduce Chronic Inflammation:

  1. Eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet. Eating a plant-based diet, rich in nuts, seeds, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and lean protein while cutting out gluten, dairy, fried foods, sugars, breads, and pastas can help calm inflammation.
  1. Get Proper Sleep. Whether it’s having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, ensure you are getting plenty of restful zzz’s each night. Contact Dr. Graves if you are not.
  1. Get in Movement Everyday. Sitting at our desks or on the computer all day can leave stress hormones stagnant in our bodies. Movement can reduce stuck cortisol and move it out of our systems.
  1. Hydrate. Keep toxins moving out of the body with plenty of water throughout the day. Drink your weight in ounces plus an additional 8 oz. or more if exercising or sweating.
  1. Take Care of Your Mental Health. Reducing stress can start with processing and calming trauma, grief, anger, etc. If you’re constantly irritated or have difficulty with mood, it may be time to take mental health breaks and/or talk with a holistic counselor.
  1. Consume Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Eating cold water fish at least 3-4 times a week is an excellent way to get in anti-inflammatory Omega 3s, but if you don’t, reach for a supplement. Look for one that has a total of 1,000 mg combined of EPA and DHA.  The CNMA office has a few recommended selections if needed. 
  1. Include Curcumin. Although curcumin can be found in the spice turmeric, it is actually difficult to absorb without proper fats. If adding turmeric to tea or smoothies, make sure to add coconut oil or coconut milk for fat or try a liposomal or phosphosomal curcumin supplement that has a small amount of fat molecules that increase absorption.
  1. Try CBD. CBD oil (about 25-50 mg daily) can help with inflammation. This can be taken for a certain amount of time or long-term depending on how you feel.
  1. Do Intermittent Fasting. Giving your digestion a break can help restore health and reduce inflammation. Try skipping breakfast 1-2 times a week as a start.
  1. Calm the Mind and Body. Meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, and walking are all great ways to reduce high cortisol levels that lead to inflammation. Put something on your calendar daily to manage stress.

A blood test that analyzes the C-Reactive Protein in your body can provide clues as to how much inflammation you may have.  Contact Dr. Graves to receive a lab request if interested.

For those living in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Lone Tree, Highlands Ranch, Centennial, Parker, Larkspur, Monument, Colorado Springs, or the greater Denver metro area and would like to talk with Dr. Graves further about chronic inflammation and personal recommendations, please call us at (303) 688-6698 or click here to schedule a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation.

What will you do to squelch chronic inflammation, slow the aging process, and get your life back?



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