FREE 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge

herbal medicine at colorado natural medicine and acupuncture, castle rock

Are you ready for a fresh start this Spring?

Spring is the perfect time to recommit to your health, wellness, and fitness.

If you're looking for a natural, clean, effective way to jump start your health try our FREE 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge!

We designed this mini program especially for people – like you – who want to reclaim their energy, vitality, and overall health.

Our bodies have a natural and miraculous ability to self-heal, if we only give our digestive system the support it needs to eliminate waste, toxins, impurities, and excess weight. The best way to ignite weight loss; gain energy and vitality; resolve skin issues, digestive ailments and annoying unexplained aches and pains, and restore the body to good health is through a gentle, cleansing detoxification using real, whole foods.

Our philosophy of practice, which is the philosophy of practice in functional medicine/nutrition is to remove any/all harming agents before the addition of therapeutic agents (i.e. food, supplements, etc.). Certain foods can cause systemic inflammation in the body, and inflammation is the root of all disease.

The 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge is a quick-start approach to removing all of the unhealthy, inflammatory, gut-disrupting, hormone-unbalancing, weight-retaining agents from your diet for just 7 days. This natural approach to weight loss and resolving other health issues begins to address theunderlying or root cause of dysfunction in the body and starts the process of restoring balance from within.

This is the reset button for your metabolism.

Just 7 days on the Clean Eating Challenge has the potential to change the way you eat for the rest of your life, because unlike a diet, this is lifestyle eating.

To get the 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge for FREE, simply send your request to: We’ll send you the 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge right away!

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