Acupuncture SPECIAL + Healthy Holiday Help Guide

holiday tips for health, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture, castle rock

Acupuncture SPECIAL

To really help you get a handle on stress during the holiday season we are offering a de-stress package of Acupuncture. This therapy will bathe your body with healthy hormones which counteract your cortisol (stress hormone) levels. 
Right now, NEW patients receive 3 acupuncture treatments for only $225 [VALUE of $325}. That's a $100 savings! Call 303.688.6698 to reserve yours today! Offer valid thru 12/31/15.
Healthy Holiday Help Guide

Tis the season for food, family, friends, celebration, gratitude, and cheer.
With all that is wonderful about the holidays, they also bring their own set of challenges…too much food, too many parties, too much stress, and too little time. It can be a particularly challenging time of the year to stay committed to and on track with your health. We want you to go into the holiday season confident, knowledgable, and prepared to tackle anything Santa and his sleigh may throw your way.
Here’s our Guide to Enjoying Some of What the Holidays Offer and keeping your cool during this busy time of year.
The Party Scene

The holiday season is chock full of gatherings, get-togethers, and parties, many of which are centered around food. Food is a wonderful thing that brings friends, families, and communities together, but over the holiday season it is possible to get too much of a good thing. Here’s how to enjoy these occasions without going overboard:
• 'Pre-party’ with a healthy meal at home. Before you hit up the company holiday party or the neighborhood cookie exchange, eat a satisfying, nutrient-dense meal at home. Base the meal around 1-2 palm-sized portions of protein and fill the rest of your plate with vegetables. Add in up to a fist-sized portion of a whole food starch like a root vegetable – yam, sweet potato, beets, parsnip, turnip, carrot, or jicama. You won’t arrive to the party starving and ready, willing, and able to eat everything you see. You’ll be more selective in your food choices at the party and will feel much better at the end of the evening!
• Control what you can control. Part of the reason for unwanted weight gain over the holidays is that there are more situations where we’re out of our element. Whether it’s traveling to see relatives, eating in friend’s homes, or simply having more grab-n-go moments due to a hectic schedule, food choices aren’t always 100% our own. One thing I tell my clients consistently is, just like a girl scout, always be prepared! During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, this means having healthy snacks handy for on-the-go hunger attack moments. Planning is half the battle! When you end up with less time than you planned, resist the convenience of the drive thru and reach for a healthy snack like:
Mary’s Gone Crackers Super Seed (GF, DF, non-GMO, soy-free) 
Two Moms in the Raw Blueberry Burst Nut Bars 
Raw Crunch Bars 
Oloves Green Olives with Lemon & Rosemary or Garlic & Basil 
Justin’s Classic Almond Butter packets with Carrots or an Apple 
Applegate Farm Oven Roasted Chicken or Turkey Breast with Mustard, Primal Kitchen Paleo Mayo & Cucumber 
Mix of Walnuts, Almonds, Dried Blueberries, & Coconut Flakes 
SeaSnax Roasted Seaweed Packs 
Made in Nature Sundried Organic Figs

If you’re the party planner, consider inviting your guests to a fun activity – indoors or out – to stay moving during the holidays. There will be plenty of food-focused affairs, so make yours unique.

And when someone else is hosting, be sure to make your contribution something healthful that you can eat. I recommend seeking out a Paleo version of your favorite dish for something that tastes good and nourishes your body too!
• Don’t deprive yourself. If you’ve followed the first two tips, you’re likely to make good food choices and not overeat. But, if you deprive yourself completely of the holiday yumminess, you’re likely to fall of the wagon later. Decide which foods are worth the splurge and go for it! Enjoy your mom’s secret family recipe twice-baked potatoes and don’t worry about it. Worrying about what you eat can actually do more harm than the splurge food itself! So, eat, enjoy, visit, and celebrate. Remember, the beauty of food is that every day we get to start over with a clean slate.
• ‘After-party’ with digestive bitters. I always travel with Urban Moonshine organic bitters for settling my stomach after eating something that doesn’t agree with me. No, it’s not that kind of moonshine. Digestive bitters are crafted from herbs and roots and work to not only to relieve gas, bloating, and heartburn, but can also be taken proactively to curb sugar cravings, encourage the production of stomach acid for proper digestion, balance appetite, and support liver function and healthy skin. Definitely a good tool to keep in your tool belt this season!
The Stress Factor

The stress factor is certainly amplified during the holiday season. Inevitably, there will be moments of stress. So, how do you cope? Here’s how to prepare for and deal with those holiday stressors:
• Take time for yourself. Our natural inclination, especially during the holidays, is to book ourselves solid. Make it a point to get out your calendar and find windows of time for you. Block it out, just as you would any other important event, because it is! Do something relaxing for yourself during this time. Book a massage, take advantage of our acupuncture SPECIAL, go to a group exercise class at the gym, or simply sit with a hot cup of tea and a good book. It may take some pre-planning (getting a babysitter, moving other commitments, etc.) but it’s worth it! You will be a much happier and healthier version of yourself if you take some time to recharge during the madness.
Acupuncture SPECIAL

To really help you get a handle on stress during the holiday season we are offering a de-stress package of Acupuncture. This therapy will bathe your body with healthy hormones which counteract your cortisol (stress hormone) levels. 
Right now, NEW patients receive 3 acupuncture treatments for only $225 [VALUE of $325}. That's a $100 savings! Call 303.688.6698 to reserve yours today! Offer valid thru 12/31/15.
• Nourish your body. Stress and nutrition are inextricably linked. If you have a healthy, balanced diet you are likely to be less stressed than someone with a poor diet. It makes sense. Certain nutrients actually reduce stress and/or help you cope with stressful situations. The B vitamins work synergistically together to support energy, metabolism, and neurological function in the body. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) in particular is essential for healthy adrenal and immune function. Healthy adrenal glands help you manage stress effectively. The B vitamins are best taken together because the presence or absence of one affects another’s absorption, metabolism, and function. The best whole food sources of B vitamins are: fish & seafood, beef liver, poultry, dark leafy greens, and nuts & seeds. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for proper neurological function, and DHA in particular actually protects the brain from stress. Seafood and fish are the most concentrated sources of omega-3 fatty acids, with salmon having the highest DHA content of any fish source.
• Supplement wisely. In addition to eating with health and nutrient-density in mind, a few key supplements can make a big impact on your stress levels. Here’s Dr. Graves' anti-stress supplement protocol:
High-quality multi-vitamin/multi-mineral like Douglas Labs Ultra Preventative X 
Omega-3 supplement high in both EPA and DHA like Nordic Naturals ProOmega 
Extra source of B vitamins like Thorne Stress B Complex 
Adaptogenic herbs to support the adrenals and maintain a healthy stress response like Integrative Therapeutics HPA Adapt
Purchase these at our office, or through our online supplement dispensary, Healthwave.
The holidays will be here and gone before you know it, so now that you’re well-equipped to handle them, take it all in with grace and gratitude.

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