Shoulder Pain & Acupuncture

cure for chronic pain, colorado natural medicine and acupuncture

Do you have shoulder pain? Are you wondering if acupuncture can help? If you answered "Yes" to either of those questions that you have found the right place. Shoulder pain affects millions of patients. It can be caused by old injuries, tendinitis, arthritis, muscle tension, etc. These issues are compounded by the fact that the shoulder is a very complex joint, composed of multiple muscles and tendons and it can easily injured or overused.  The reason acupuncture works effectively for shoulder pain is because it can help treat multiple factors. It helps treat the muscles, tendons and joint of the shoulder along with reducing overall inflammation. Most patient's notice relief in one or two treatments. So if you are an athlete, weekend warrior, or someone who suffers from shoulder pain. Or if you are looking for help with shoulder pain or a shoulder pain doctor, then give us a call at 303-688-6698 or click here to schedule an appointment.  Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for shoulder pain and Dr. Graves has treated hundreds of patients with pain using acupuncture and natural medicine.  Stop waiting for your pain to to go away and start taking steps to get relief. Give us a call and let us help!     

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