Do you suspect you may have undiagnosed food sensitivities that are preventing you from enjoying optimal health? Unlike true food allergies, food sensitivities can manifest in a number of different ways – on your skin, weight gain, brain fog, sinus congestion, gas/bloating/diarrhea, etc. Discovering the root cause of your symptoms is the first step in healing them.
This package is jam-packed with value to start you on the right road to health in 2017! Here is what you get:
Food Sensitivity Panel: Tests for 100+ of the most common foods for any sensitivities or intolerances. VALUE $245
Functional Lab Results Interpretation: Session to review results and recommendations and collect information for customized recipe & meal plan. VALUE $95
Personalized Elimination Diet & Reintroduction Protocol: A healing protocol to calm inflammation and restore the gut with a customized reintroduction protocol. VALUE $220
Customized Recipe & Meal Plan: Collection of recipes and a sample weekly meal plan of how to combine based on your unique results and input. VALUE $295
6 Weekly Slim Shots: The Slim Shot is a vitamin and nutrient injection comprised of B vitamins, vitamin C, methionine, choline, inositol, and lidocaine. These nutrients support the liver and help it burn fat more effectively, resulting in stronger fat metabolism and better hormone balance. Learn more about Slim Shots here. VALUE $210
This package is valued at $1,065, but we are offering it to 10 clients for only $695. That’s over a 30% savings!
We’re only working with 10 clients at this reduced rate, so reserve your package ASAP by calling 303-688-6698 or emailing
Food Sensitivity Discovery Package Directions
- Reserve your package. Call 303-688-6698 or email to reserve your package at this special price.
- Schedule your collection appointment. When you call to reserve your package, we’ll schedule a 15-minute appointment to collect the serum sample needed to run the test.
- Schedule results interpretation session. Once we receive your results, we’ll call you to schedule a phone appointment with our nutritionist to review the results and collect information for your customized recipe & meal plan.
- Schedule recipe & meal plan session. Our nutritionist will schedule a second call with you to present your customized recipe and meal plan.
- Schedule your weekly slim shots. For best results, schedule one shot per week for 6 weeks. Scheduling can be done online here, or by calling the office at 303-688-6698.
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