To schedule your free acupuncture consultation with Dr. Graves, call us today at 303.688.6698. We can answer questions and discuss your concerns.
As a licensed acupuncturist and naturopathic doctor, Dr. Adam Graves has the experience to heal acute pain and chronic pain. Using acupuncture for pain management and for healing chronic pain is something he does for patients each and every day. It’s also important to note that pain is a symptom of an imbalance within the body. At Colorado Natural Medicine and Acupuncture, we go beyond chronic pain management and work towards healing.
Pain is one of the ways that your body naturally communicates with you and asks for help. In our busy lives, we often push pain aside to get on with our day. The pain increases and the signal gets stronger until we are no longer able to ignore it. Often times, other symptoms start showing up along with pain such as:
- limited movement (i.e. frozen shoulder)
- tendonitis
- insomnia
- vertigo
- chronic pain syndrome (CPS)
- depression
- anxiety
- weight gain / weight loss
- migraines
- digestive problems
- anemia
- fatigue
These symptoms can be signs of inflammation, imbalance, and / or nerves not functioning properly. Chronic pain can be the result of or can lead to complex health conditions such as:
- fibromyalgia
- rheumatoid arthritis
- osteoarthritis
- certain types of cancer
- multiple sclerosis
- stomach ulcers
- gallbladder disease
- endometriosis
- irritable bowel syndrome
- Crohn’s disease
- celiac disease
- Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Sometimes, acute pain from a back sprain or pulled muscle in the body can become chronic pain if the nerves continue to be damaged. Often times, patients will have recovered from an injury only to find that they experience pain long afterwards.
Acute pain and chronic pain are difficult for traditional medicine to cure. C.A.T. Scans, xrays, surgeries, and splints are part of the process, but after everything appears to be healed, commonly the only other relief offered is in the form of over the counter or prescription pain medications.
Opioids. Acupuncture is an excellent alternative to prescription pain killers like opioids. Often, all it takes to start an opioid addiction is a small surgery or even a light injury. Your body can become addicted within days and opioid addiction is a very common problem. If you find that you are already in a pattern of taking opioids, please be kind to yourself and know that an addiction can happen to anyone. We are here to help you find a different route and get your health back.
If you have been offered pain medication and are looking for a natural alternative, Dr. Graves would be happy to offer a consultation and discuss options. We have a wide variety of alternatives to pain medications including:
- acupuncture for pain relief
- natural anti-inflammatories like boswellia, magnesium, gaba-pentin, and CBD oil
- massage (including cupping)
- physical therapy
Whether we are your first call when experiencing pain, or if you’ve been in chronic pain for years with no answers or relief, Dr. Graves is here to help. Contact us today at 303.688.6698 and regain your health. Feel like yourself again! Let us help you lift yourself out of the fog that pain can cause. With acupuncture, herbal remedies, and more, we can offer a treatment plan customized to your needs and your lifestyle.
To learn more about what acupuncture is, does acupuncture work, and how acupuncture works, call our office (or schedule online) to set up a free consultation with Dr. Graves today. We are near you if you are in the areas of Highlands Ranch, Castle Rock, Lone Tree, Castle Pines, Sedalia, or Larkspur.