Call today to schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation with Dr. Graves, 303.688.6698. We’re here to answer any questions and discuss your concerns.
Acupuncture works! It’s been helping heal patients for over 3,000 years by rebalancing chi, your body’s flow of energy. It’s nothing magical or mystical, acupuncture is a science and has been proven to work by stimulating points underneath your skin called acupuncture or acupressure points.
Will acupuncture work for you? In general, yes. Your body naturally wants to heal itself and acupuncture helps support that natural healing process. Specifically, the level of help that acupuncture can offer you depends on a variety of factors that are determined by your individual needs.
Why does acupuncture work for so many illnesses? Acupuncture can work for a large variety of health issues because it’s main focus is to rebalance your body, to stimulate your natural healing process. As your body heals, you’ll find that there are many changes occurring simultaneously. Those levels of healing can be both physical and mental. Healing usually goes far beyond the original symptoms and strengthens the entire person.
Does acupuncture work for undiagnosed, unusual, and / or chronic health concerns: Dr. Adam Graves specializes in helping patients with unique symptoms and chronic health issues. Whereas typical Western medicine excels in open heart surgery and fusing broken bones, Eastern medicine like acupuncture excels in all of the illnesses and symptoms that aren’t so easily pin-pointed (pun intended). The schooling that Dr. Graves received is from both methodologies so that he can help you blend your current medications, surgeries, etc., in with our natural medicine treatments at CNMA.
Unexplained pain, aching, low-energy, infertility, headaches, nausea, digestive tract dysfunctions, hormonal imbalances, skin disorders. These are the symptoms that Dr. Graves focuses on to find the root cause. At CNMA, we are able to go beyond masking the symptoms with pain killers and steroids.
Acupuncture is one of the therapies that may work for you if you are experiencing:
- Weight Gain
- Infertility
- Anxiety
- Back Pain / Lower Back Pain
- Depression
- Asthma
- Neck Pain
- Knee Pain / Recovery from Knee Surgery
- Insomnia / Sleep Disorders
- High Blood Pressure
- Thyroid Issues
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Contact us today by phone, 303.688.6698, or schedule online for your free consultation to find out if acupuncture is the right fit for you.We can answer your questions like, how does acupuncture work, does acupuncture hurt, why do we offer a free consultation, and what is acupuncture. You deserve to have the best quality of life possible and Dr. Graves is here to help you achieve it.
Colorado Natural Medicine and Acupuncture is located in Castle Rock south of the Denver on 1-25. You are close to us if you are located in Highlands Ranch, Castle Pines, Sedalia, Parker, or Monument.